Wednesday, May 6, 2009

View Friends Scrap more Than the Limit

Step1: Open Friends scrapbook
Step2: Look in your address bar (i.e the place where u type You will see this address written
Step3: Add this code"&na=&nst=&nid=&pageSize=30" at the end of the address. It will look like this
30 over specifies that you can view 30 scraps of the scrapbook you are looking into.

Adding Special Symbols in Scraps !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is a much awaited trick on Orkut
very less users know about it
be d one n Impress ur friends !!

here it is

Press alt key and d following 4rm num pad ...

alt + 987 - █
alt + 1 - ☺
alt + 2 - ☻
alt + 3 - ♥
alt + 4 - ♦
alt + 5 - ♣
alt + 6 - ♠
alt + 7 - •
alt + 8 - ◘
alt + 9 - ○

alt + 0178 - ²
alt + 0489 - é
alt + 0756 - ô
alt + 0742 - æ
alt + 0719 - Ï
alt + 0739 - ã
alt + 0729 - Ù

the same way many combinations can be tried..
keep trying it and do upload it here as comments

keep posting.

Speed up Logging to Orkut.

Bookmark the following link and use it to login into orkut!

The above link directly opens orkut login box! So it is faster than normal orkut login.

try it. u ll love it

Mirror Links

These links if clicked redirects the person who clicked to his/her profile..
U can use these in Your Profile like :MY best frnd" and any one who clicks on these links u define will see hes/her own profile.

this will give out d profile:

this will give out the Album :

this will give out the Scrapbook :

Friday, May 1, 2009


This script enables the owner and moderators of a community to delete all the topics in the forums.

Follow the steps:

1) Open your community's forums.

2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )

javascript:a=document.getElementsByTagName('input');for(x=0;x<*a.*leng*th;x++)* { if(a[x].type=="checkbox") { a[x].checked=true; } };deleteTopics(document.topicsForm);void(0)

remove *
3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.

That's all.


This script lets you decrease the count view of a topic posted by you in the community topics. How would a topic with number of posts in negative look like?
Follow the steps:

1) Open your scrapbook.

2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )

java*script:sar=document.getElementsByTagName('input');document.body.innerHTML+='';document.forms[1].target='NegFlood';omdt_lowposts=setInterval("sar['topicId'].value='';sar['commId'].value='';sar['messageId'].value='';submitForm(document.forms[1],'delete','')", 1000);void(0)

remove * from javascript

3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.

That's all.


Give your friend a heart attack by displaying a fake alert message, 'Your Account has been hacked by
Follow the steps:

1) Open your scrapbook.

2) Copy the following text and paste it in your address bar (To the place where you type )

javas*cript:function reverse() { var inp = " ! gnitukrO yb dekcah si tnuocca tukrO ruoY "; var outp="";for (i = 0; i <= inp.length; i++) { outp =inp.charAt (i) + outp;}alert(outp) ;}; reverse();

just remove * in javascript

3) Hit ENTER key of your keyboard.

That's all.